
esok AHAD! hari ape? hari AHAD!...that day...oohhh i really hate that day..kena balik sekolah dah..wooohhhhh...BYE rumahku sayang...say what?...say BYE!oh my oh my....

Fly birds fly

It is fun to become a bird,
Bird can fly,
They can be wherever they want,
If I be the bird,
I 'll never stop
I'll fly until until my heart burst!

Fly birds fly
Away from problem that ache your heart
If I can be you...
I really want to know how it feels when we are high up above the lovely sky

If I can be the birds
Birds fly over the rainbow
oh why can't I?
They happy and they sing
We never missed the music until the sweet voiced bird has flown away...
Oh I envy you my little sweet..
Fly bird fly!

Amalan Diet Rasulullah

ni meh nak kongsi sikit..

actually dah banyak kali aku amalkan makan bende macam ni..tapi baru tau makan (cuma 1 je la yang aku tahu)  macam ni x boleh sebab boleh memberi kesan dalam jangka masa panjang

  • Susu dan daging
  • Daging dan ikan
  • Ikan dan susu
  • Ayam dan susu
  • Ikan dan telur
  • Ikan dan daun salad
  • Susu dan cuka
  • Buah dan susu (koktel la tuh) ~~fav I ni

aduhai sedapnyew..
tapi kena elakkan sebab Rasulullah TAK pernah sakit perut sebab Baginda elakkan makan bende niyh...


hahah..just bought x de lah 'just bought' actually dah lama dah
selak punye selak aku rasa suka lak sebab dalam tu dia banyak memuatkan cara-cara pakai shawl or shall i say HIJAB..
cantek lak tuh..
lagipun banyak tips dalam tuh and ada gak sentuh pasal hal seems good for me to read it..

 yelah..before ni aku dok layan epop
yezz la

remaja la

kadang-kadang kita cuma perlu berubah sebab sometimes perubahan tu bagus..tak perlu nak stick kat yang lama jer..bak kata orang "dah lapuk la kak!'" HAHAHAHAH

That day...

That day...
Full with laugh...
She never thought about problem
About tense
Or even heartbroken

That day...
Everyone loves and kiss her
Hug tightly and adore her
They’ll give whatever she wants
They’ll try their best
So that a beautiful smile formed on her pretty face

That day continues...
Until the girl now is carrying  big responsibility
To become an excellent person
So that those person HAPPY
But she knew...
Whatever she did
Never  become as holy as those person did

Menghilangkan bintik-bintik hitam di Muka

semalam ada 'someone' tanya macam mana nak hilangkan bintik-bintik hitam di muka...hohoho,,,so now since aku tahu caranya aku nak share lah...

Daun pegaga (yang orana-orang tua selalu makan ulam tu) yang ditumbuk halus dan kemudian dicampurkan dengan bedak sejuk amat MUJARAB untuk menghilangkan bintik-bintik hitam di muka

Ambil sepuluh (10) helai daun pegaga, cuci dengan air garam then ditumbuk halus dan kemudian campurkan dengan bedak sejuk yang telah dicampurkan dengan sedikit air suam.

Amalkan memakainya setiap malam dan cuci keesokannya...

Say Alhamdulillah..

I'd got my result already..alhamdulillah..its quite good for me cause this is my first time got result like this although for my other excellent friend,they can got result like me as easy as making 'air sirap' hahahahahah!!!!


really hope that for my next exam,my result is as good become more excellent than this.. INSYA-ALLAH.. is the DAY!!
can't wait to go home...omo...miss my bed,my laptop,phone..hmmmm..
think that's all...
but again there's some advice from deep in my heart..

if YOU got what you WANT...never forget who exactly give THEM to you
cause HE never forget You..and HE love You
don't be selfish and NEVER EVER EVER again NEVER EVER EVER proud against Allah




it does not take so much time of you ...

try look at this picture above,even an innocent little baby knew how to be grateful

and STOP complaining!!!
cause there still other people whom not getting what you got today

so friend...appreciate on what had you got...
be grateful,,say thanks to ALLAH...

Thanks ALLAH

it's not that hard...

The Secret Book

Thanks to Aishah cause she suggested me to buy the book entitle The Secret...upon this break next week,I'll certainly find the book. Yes!!!

Rhonda Byrne in her best selling book, The Secret reveals to her readers how to obtain the good life by attracting only the things in your life you want.

She tell her readers to be careful what they think about because be it good or bad they are attracting.

The thoughts will and can become things in their lives. The author says good thoughts attract good and bad thoughts attract bad because this the law of attraction.

The law of attraction is real and is operative in our lives. She compare the mind to a magnet always attracting things in our lives.

The author demostrate the law of attraction from the many stories in her book. She claim all great people have been aware of the law of attraction and this is why they were able to do great things.

Its like the book The Village Poet and Collection of Writings, the Village Poet says, "Think great thoughts and you will do great things".You only bring into your life what you think. For this is the law of the universe.

It is true people do have hidden untapped power just waiting to be used and the law of attraction will help them once they understand its power.

However, one can not but question the premise of the book if this knowledge is known by many such as Plato, Newton, Hugo, Beethoven, Linclon, Emerson, Edison, Einstein and others how can this be called a Secret?

The books on positive thinking and other New Age books are available to all who read. Perhaps the real Secret is the information is available to those who are well read or make the time to aquire new knowledge.

Rhonda Byrne best selling book is not a seret at all but to those who do not know the power of the mind and thoughts. To many people know and do not practice the knowledge but it is not a secret. There is no great secret in life that only a few know. Jesus told the world how to live and attract good things into their life in the NEW TESTAMENT.

The book The Secret seem to be promoting humanism, that man is the measure of all things and that man by his intellct can achieve success, health and wealth with out God just by relying on the law of attraction in the universe. There is no mention of God as the center of the Universe.

The author asserts in The Secret:

The Secret contain wisdom from
modern day teachers men and women
who have used the law of attraction
to achieve health, wealth and
happiness. The law of attraction
can eradicate disease.

Some even refer to book The Secret as not given Jesus the respect and credit for his teaching about faith in the Power of God and his willingness to help.
The power belong to God to change our lives to help men and not some mysterious law of attraction from the universe.

All power belong to God to change our lives and bring his blessing, love and grace to us. There seem to be an absence of God in the discussion of his laws and the impact on our live if we only keep his commandments in Deuteronomy 28:1-13.

The author refer to the law attraction as a "genie that is granting our requests" but you must believe in this power for it to work in our lives. As the author says, "we believe and then we receive". However, I note not our God responding to our prayers as an act of faith but the law of attraction according to the author.

The Secret is a book of humanism where we are told all power is in man and his thoughts manifest what we think about. Man become the captain of his destiny without God and the teaching of Christ. The law of attraction does not need God or christ to be operative in our lives just the belief in its power. Some could question a need for God and the teaching of christ in our lives bases on the law of attraction.

The author`s book The Secret can never be a substitute for the power and the word of God. The power of faith is replace by the law of attraction and God`s Will for our lives. God does not become the provider but some unknown force operating in the universe. It is the universe men must appeal to not God for health, wealth and happiness.

This form of humanism is a rejection of God as the center of the universe and his power and authority over man. It is a rejection of the faith in the word of God and depend on some law of attraction operating out of the universe. The only secret about the book The Secret is that it is not a secret anymore.

try visit the website :