La Tahzan ;)

sometimes crying can make your heart fell at ease,
crying in bathroom,in your room,in the car(at the backseat),or wherever,
but some people don't like the others know that they are crying,

whenever your had a problem and nobody there to hold you,crying is the best solution
crying alone,oh how sad it is right?nobody even know how you felt,whether you had problems or not.

but even if there are people whom noticed that you had a problem,you don't fell like going to tell them,
let alone you faced the problem all by yourself...

how if you really need people to embrace you,hold you tightly and console you while you are crying,
but you don't even know how to tell them and they end up ignore you...

are they really know how to console people who are in sadness...???
sometimes you don't even need to know the tips to console people cause it all come from your heart...

but it is the best to cry to HIM,yeah ALLAH...and let ALLAH hear all your problem cause HE IS THE BEST to solve your problem,insya-ALLAH

and remember,even just a tiny of calmness after your crying is also the gift from ALLAH...

Baucer buku 1MALAYSIA RM 200...

Perdana Menteri kita Dato' Sri NAJIB RAZAK dengan murah hatinya telah memberikan baucer buku RM200 untuk penuntut universiti diseluruh Malaysia...wah untungnya kalau aku dah jadi penuntut universiti sekarang.

Kalaulah aku dapat baucer buku tu...wah syukur dapat jimat duit beli buku.

dan ditakdirkan ALLAH SWT hari ni aku pergi ke salah sebuah kedai buku yang terkenal di Malaysia, yang majoriti trademark warna merah tu...hehehe
terkejut aku tengok ramai orang dalam tu,beratur panjang...memang terus keluar dari otak aku yang orang yang beratur ni semestinya pelajar universiti,yelah kalau tak takkan kena beratur panjang,tak pernah pulak aku tengok kedai buku ni barisan panjang yang amat.

Buku atas rak pun bersepah,kebanyakan kosong,wah untung la tuan punya kedai,:)
tiba-tiba pandangan aku terganggu dengan kemunculan sekumpulan gadis sunti,wah ...
yelah datang ramai-ramai pastu terus menghala ke rak novel...
terkejut aku diorang ambil satu novel lepas tu 2 novel,3 novel pulak dan seterusnya sampai tangan yang ALLAH kurniakan ni pun tak cukup nak pegang...wah banyak duit beli novel sekali banyak sampai macam tu.
Novel cinta pulak tu,bukan salah tapi yang aku musykilnya diorang tu nak guna baucer buku ke untuk beli kesemua novel tu?
Gambar hiasan:)

sayangnya kalau guna baucer buku yang seeloknya diguna untuk beli buku ilmiah yang boleh diguna untuk belajar,aku harap apa yang aku musykil tu tak betul...lagi pun tak baik fitnah,eeii takut dosa...

fikir-fikirkan lah,peluang datang sekali,kalau nak peluang datang banyak kali,manfaatkanlah peluang yang sedia ada dulu :)

Doing good deed to others...:)

There is one fairy tales that I'd learned during my times in primary school and can still remembered it vividly how the story was.. the title is


One cold day, a little girl was wandering along, eating a slice of bread. An old woman came up to her
and asked her for something to eat.Without hesitation, the little girl gave her all that remained of her bread.
"Please take it'" she said, and went on.

A short time later, the girl came across a little boy, who was holding his head and crying.
"What's the matter?"she asked him. 
"I'm cold. So very cold." cried the boy. "I haven't a cover for my head."

So the girl gave him her scarf to wrap round his head.A bit further on, she saw another little girl
who wasn't even dressed in a jacket, and so she gave her the one she was wearing. 
Then she gave her dress to another little girl who didn't have one, and she went on without one. Bit by bit,she was left in just her petticoat. But then another poor girl came up to her and said :
"You can always go home to a warm house. I have nothing to keep me warm. As it's dark now and no one can see you,please give me your petticoat"

Just then, all the stars came down from heaven, and they wrapped the little girl round in a shining, sparkling cloak ; the moon came to rest on her head like a crown, and the two rays of sunshine came from the red sunset and wrapped themselves around her hand like gloves of the finest wool.


When I first read the story, I laughed cause who want to give all the clothes that you was wearing to strangers. But then I realized that what the moral of the story was


It is not like you must naked to do good deeds,just do what ever that you think you like people treat you.
That is how simple I definite GOOD DEEDS :)

Orang dijamin masuk syurga

Siapa yang tidak mahu masuk syurga? Tanya je sesiapa, Muslim, Kristian, Hindu, Buddha atau ape2 je agama yang wujud kat dunia ni...semua nak masuk syurga. Tapi macam mana yer?

"Minta je kat Tuhan, nanti dapatlah"




"Jangan buat dosa"

Macam-macam jawapan...tapi dalam Islam banyak cara.Subhanallah senang je kan Allah bagi syurga kat kita. Sama ada kita nak buat atau tak..itu je...

Kalaulah kita termasuk dalam golongan orang yang dijamin masuk syurga..BERTUAHNYA!!!

Orang yang pergi menunaikan haji

Orang yang berjuang di jalan Allah

Orang yang menjaga lidahnya

Orang yang keluar untuk mengejarkan solat

Orang yang mengucapkan salam ketika masuk rumah

Orang yang menegur/menasihati pemimpin

Orang yang tidak meminta kepada orang lain

Orang yang duduk di rumah supaya orang tidak terganggu

Orang yang mengunjungi orang sakit

Orang yang menghantar jenazah

Orang berkata jujur 

Orang yang menepati janji

Orang yang menyampaikan amanat

Orang yang menjaga kemaluan

Orang yang menundukkan pandangan...

termasukkah kita dalam golongan-golongan tersebut???
Tepuk dada tanya selera....